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Message: Re: What pps would get you to cash out completely?


Good question.  I decided long ago I'm just in this to the end whatever that end even is.  If I lose it all so be it.  I won't sell at these levels and I'd be disappointed but could accept $10/share.  However, I do think it's worth much more.  

So...the gray area for me is if there isn't a full buy out and instead it's a progressive partnership milestone and payout arrangement then decisions become more murky.  Still, that type of partnership announcement alone, which is likely, will raise the share price substantially I imagine. 

But sometime thereafter in the hopefully not to distant future, there will be another time when the price is way higher than it is now let's say $10 and the next potential big jump will rely on a successful BOM2 result, and that will be a big acid test for many of us including myself whether to sell none, some, or all of our position.  A very good problem to have I do suppose.  

Now, my take on many's perspectives on this board is that they will sell it all and not think twice about it for $10/share.

But for me, if the choice is $10 now vs $40 or $50 like one year later, well that's a tough call to make. And of course there are an infinite scenarios in between. Sell half keep half etc.  what to do what do what to do and far be it from me to advise! 

Anyway, I look forward to a time (sooner than later) when we can all have these 1st world problem opportunities...but for the moment we seem to be stuck in 3rd world problems.

My 2 Cents (figuratively and literally)



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