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Message: Some additional COVID 19 gene targets

If ABL or some of the other molecules that are still on the shelf could upregulate or downregulate the genes that are associated with COVID19 in patients that become very sick, we might get some traction.

Here's a link to the article as well as a few excerpts.

Five key genes linked to severe COVID-19 found, suggesting drug targets | CTV News 

The genes - called IFNAR2, TYK2, OAS1, DPP9 and CCR2 – partially explain why some people become desperately sick with COVID-19, while others are not affected, Baillie said.

The findings, published in the journal Nature, should help scientists speed up the search for potential drugs for COVID-19 by conducting clinical trials of medicines that target specific antiviral and anti-inflammatory pathways.

Among those with the most potential, he said, should be a class of anti-inflammatory drugs called JAK inhibitors, which includes the arthritis drug baricitinib, made by Eli Lilly.



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