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Message: Re: Resverlogix Announces Apabetalone Prior to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Exposure Reduces Viral Infection – Confirms Plans for COVID-19 Clinical Trial

Adding on to Danceswithhorses fact-checking:

Koo wrote: "Paladin, I was about to ask the same question seeing that the mRNA vaccine, although it does not prevent one from getting infected with the virus, prevents one from getting sick."

This is a bad take. The currently available trial data is not able to conclude whether the mRNA based vaccines prevent asympomatic infection, as well as whether they prevent a person who is infected from infecting others. These were not the primary endpoints of the ongoing clinical trials and were not the focus of the preliminary approvals (i.e. EUA for USA). Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer will have more data in hand when these ongoing trials conclude to make a more definitive statement. However, it is incorrect to say right now that it does not prevent one from getting infected with the virus. More likely than not that these mRNA based vaccines prevent both asymptomatic infection as well as prevents one from infecting others.

Immunosupremo wrote: "There are 6 things for the Pfizer vaccine that has people on edge right now. 1. Allergic reactions (especially the nurse that died shortly after getting the vaccine)"

This is a false rumor as Danceswithhorses pointed out. She fainted, did not die.

"2. The new UK strain"

Too early to tell for sure, but very likely that the mRNA based vaccines (and others) will still be effective against the new mutated UK strain. 

"3. the vaccine uses cell lines from aborted fetus. And it has a moral consequence that that especially christians may refuse to ignore"

Some vaccines may use immortalized cell lines for vaccine production or pre-clinical vaccine testing, including fetal derived cel lines. However, the Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA based vaccines do not use cell lines for production. These are synthetic mRNA based vaccines. 

"4. Requires at minimum 2 injections"

Not really an issue since a drug like apabetalone may need to be taken twice daily.

"5. no one knows how long the vaccine will be effective. 6. Current vaccines are injected vs APL is oral."

Jbuffet62 also wrote "Plus, we have no info on duration of immunity after vaccination. An RVX pill a day, keeps the covid at bay.""

Fair point, but those in the clinical trials will be followed closely and we will know more soon. Counterpoint is that there have been zero animal or human studies to show that apabetalone has any efficacy against COVID-19 infection or disease severity. The injection vs. oral is not really too relevant. Most people would rather take a couple of shots vs taking an oral drug twice a day.


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