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Message: Resverlogix Announces Apabetalone Prior to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Exposure Reduces Viral Infection – Confirms Plans for COVID-19 Clinical Trial

Gran Oso's post highlights the problem with modern medicine. BP has an overwhelming influence on modern medical care. It's not about prevention but management as no profits in prevention only management. Unfortunately doctors now are well trained and highly specialized drug pushers and for the most part don't work with patients in preventive care. Either way this is just another indication BP would prefer to control in my view. 4 hours to go. If everyone's pessimistic view prevails I would argue .60-.70 cents is not far away. Am grateful to the market opportunities these last 9 months definitely help divert my attention from this stock as other areas of the portfolio are seeing great gains. Helps relieve the pain that's for sure. It is what it is and complaining does not help nor does the negative posts give new readers any optimism to take a position. 


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