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Message: Shake it Up!

Shake it up,,,Mazola,,,,,shouldnt that be Sheikh it up!!!! Just teasing!!

But yes nice to see another placement for sure!

No hard questions answered,,,very sheepish,,no comment on the miserable share price,,but we have value!!! Excited in Calgary for everything and everyone!!

99% of the presentation was a carbon copy of the Chinese webcast!

Covid19 has put the brakes on most everything,,except Zenith,,!

Zenith somehow is in trials and starting more of them and the company is busier than a one armed paper hanger!! Seems partners have urgency and deals are no issue within Zenith,,,but Resverlogix,,well,,,,,all kinds of issues holding up a deal with a partner or partners,,,,just cant seem to get boots on the ground as they say!,,,,definitely seems by the conversation +time is spent over at Zenith than within RVX! jmo


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