...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: Shake it Up!

Whenever I hear the label "Sheik" in front of someone's name I think of access to massively obscene amounts of capital. Hence option 3. So question for the board, are many still whining?

I am thrilled now!  This is fantastic news!  On whole different level of news than the last news we were discussing and assuming was the only news.

“We are pleased with our discussions with Resverlogix and its entire team and believe in the recent Breakthrough Therapy Designation granted by the FDA; Apabetalone and its effect on cardiovascular, CKD, Alzheimer’s and COVID-19 as well as its contribution to the future of mankind,” said Sheikh Abdulgader. 

"...as well as its contribution to the future of mankind."   Why can't more people just say it like it is!  This guy is my new best friend!

Welcome aboard Sheikh Abdulgader !  

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