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Message: Upgrade ? PP ? COVID 19 ?

Upgrade ?

I know it may be too much to hope for, but is there any possiblity that the primary endpoint for BETonMACE2 could switch out stroke, and instead replace it with hospitalization for congestive heart failure?  In my non-scientific opinion it would greatly increase our chances for an early trial halt due to over-whelming efficacy.  Or, does CVOT convention preclude international investigators (AHA) from endorsing such a trial?


PP ?

Shareholders voted on the terms of this PP at the AGM.  I though we did this for a reason, to lock in terms.  So, how much flexibility is there in adjusting the size, pricing, term and warrant features of this financing?  Wouldn't any material changes require jumping through some administrative hoops?


COVID 19 ?

One of the very disturbing aspects of this disease has to do with the number of older folks who caught the virus, were hospitalized, released from hospital, and then subsequently re-admitted months later....and then died from the lingering, devastating consequences.  Again, in my non-scientific opinion, this is where RVX 208 could really be of some benefit.


Here is a recent study of 47,780 patients hospitalized for COVID 19, then released.  After 140 day follow up 29.4% were re-admitted and 12.3% died.  Looking at the details it appears to me that RVX 208 would be effective in addressing the factors that threaten their lives (i.e. MACE, CKD)



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