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Message: RVX Market Value

I have been puzzled by RVX low market valuation after receiving BTD approval. "Just a short while" is over.

I took another look at the Seeking Alpha article 


Some key points:

  • Average approval time reduced by 2.5-3.5 years.
  • Breakthrough therapy designation usually increases valuation significantly.
  • Takeover offers typically increase with breakthrough therapy designations.
  • Takeover offers for a company with 2 breakthrough therapy designations increase significantly and quickly.

BTD Pure Plays

The reason the list of pure plays is so small is that a little less than half got swallowed up by big pharma, 12/29. All the companies with 2 or more BTDs were gobbled up by big pharma. This list essentially represents low hanging fruit for a Big Pharma acquisition. Any company with 2 or more BTDs would be in the hot zone for acquisition. Dissecting this list, the companies with the lowest market capitalization were targeting disease indications that represent small patient populations.

 What are the above so-called "Pure Play"cos. valued at today, a little over 1 year later? ($MMs)

                   THTX -    $209

  •                 PGNX - merged with LNTH at MV of $302
  •                 CPRX        307
  •                 STML - acquired for $677
  •                 CLVS         723
  •                 INSM      3,900 
  •                 RARE     9,400
  •                 SAGE     4,600
  •                 EXEL      7,000
  •                 ACAD     7,900   
  •                 NBIX     10,200
  •                 ALNY     17,900

RVX Market Cap 2/3/2020   ~ $300

RVX Market Cap today              175

Unless BP swallows RVX, the co will  struggle without a codeveloper for another 2 years or so until an interim analysis, although if they can accomplish the pure play, their blockbuster status will handsomely reward those of us still invested but further diluted. They need to get this drug on the market and generate revenues. Time to pass the ball to deep pockets. Looking forward to next weeks webcast - 








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