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Message: Reading (parsing, fantasizing) the tea leaves

On reading and thinking about the rescheduling of the update to Feb 4 this coming week I see the re-ordering of the items as being meaningful 

"This will allow the company to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding the BETonMACE2 trial design and launch, COVID-19 research and clinical plan, and update on financing"

We now see the most important (determined for me by position) being the "design and launch" which I take to mean a partner is probably selected (at least I hope).

The second item is the

COVID-19 research and clinical plan,

I take the "clinical plan" to imply that there will be a use of Apabetalone in treatment of COVID and I believe that its beneficial effect being the effect of making the Virus attachment and intrusion into the blood more difficult for the virus. I hope that the combination of Apabetalone and some other readily available drug will help in treatment where the Vaccines are not available or have a lesser effect on the new variants, and need for tinkering of the vaccines, of which I think there will be many.

That says nothing of the possibilites vs a vs other viruses/variants. (Maybe even the common cold or flu virus in my technicolor dreams).

lastly there is

update on financing

which I take to mean "financing" has become a solved problem (At least I hope!! based on it being the third inline)


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