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Message: Rant time...

Getting to some form of commercialization (Covid), to begin kicking down that door would be huge. Once this drug starts driving revenues safely, it becomes a different story, with large markets for additional application.

I do believe Don has had ongoing BP discussions, and would have absolutely loved hearing about a BP partner now, for MANY reasons. However, it is difficult for me to even imagine that a partnering deal involving $100-250mm doesn't come with future rights and valuations baked into the plan as contractual consderation and obligation.

What I "think" I heard from Don, is that the existing overall BP plan does not meet RVX goals regarding timing, valuation, etc., but has also yielded some good ideas for dosage advances. So, maybe a deal was close or maybe it wasn't? ... but having options to go it alone and get to a better de-risking position will only bring more and better options, and perhaps with the BP's that are in current talks plus maybe a few more? The best options you can have in deal negotiations are time and competition, other than a valuable product of course. 

Remember, any and all of the potential BP partnering suitors saw Don's presentation also, and were probably aware beforehand anyway as part of discussions.

I wanted a deal announced also, didn't get one, but still long and strong, even if a bit fatigued. But this approach doesn't mean deals aren't now still being discussed ... assuming apaetalone is real, RVX is only going to get more expensive as time passes toward registration. Absolutely LOVE the BoM2 design, what I can understand anyway.

The Covid potential is a potential accelerant to the market, and interest. The U.S. market is GREAT for Covid research, and a potential therapeutic beyond vaccines. Covid has crushed the U.S., and there is very high visibility for anything that begins to look like a big win versus Covid. It would probably offer wild visibility upside "if" the Covid trials deliver, and getting to any form of commercialization and revenues would be a MAJOR landmark for this drug, and perception of epigenetics and apabetalone. It would also put a lot more pressure on BP to step up to the plate with intoxicating numbers as the train looks to be pulling out of the station.

For BP, perhaps $1-2b is a target, and steal. I don't know, but maybe the BoD would take $5-6b now and run? But, if the Covid trials are good, and we are approaching or get good BoM2 interim analysis and become positioned for early registration, BP is proably staring at $8-10b? RVX playing the long game here, assuming they do have available money to see it through, keeps some real risks in play, but also positions us for a home run potentially.

Yeah, more waiting sucks. But I do believe that RVX is increasingly dealing from a better position with more money available and Covid and BoM2 moving forward.

BP can "marinade" on all that for a while. You gotta be able to say thank you, and walk away from the table, to get what you want ... "we love talking with you Mr BP, we love the partnering potential, but you don't mind if we keep moving forward while we are discussing, do you?" 

I would LOVE to know the minimal buy-out "number" that Don/BoD is holding out for, as minimally acceptable ... I would also love to know what Ori and the Sheikh know ...


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