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Message: Re: A little perspective- almost 14 years ago to the day we sat at $30/shr

i mostly agree Tele "DM has a great salary" yes he has made more money than most here will make selling out at $10/share.

"That self interest should see him trying to get us to the finish" well I don't know , he's had 20 years now of "self interest" to get us to the "finish line" & prob 3-4 more years of salary + compensation- more "self interest" so yes dm's "self interest" is strong. 

"The Saudi deal has been a joke" Yes, the cocktail waitress has had a few questionable bedpartners.

 why is it bad on anyone's part to need/preach for a new leader after all these years?

why do some feel we have to continually give him a break for another few months for the100th time?

just trying to figure out what in the world we could possibly owe this Don fella?

I'll get out at $3.00 & move along.Who knows,maybe u only have to put up with me for another week or maybe another year +.

I always wanted to do very well with this play & wish nothing but the best for everyone. 

I'm allowed to Love the science & not the leader. 

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