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Message: BP Interest

hummmmm,,,BP interest??,,,well lets have a lookie at the overall situation here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Zenith has 4 majors in bed at the moment,,,,,Don is probably a non-binary participant in that orgy,,,however Resverlogix seems to have herpes!!,,,,,well deserved imo,,,,,its very clear,,,,,BP is not interested in courting and the insiders are more likely at odds with each other over whether or not to wear condoms. Purdy simple! Don may have a blister on his lip when talking and with all that excitiment coming out of Calgary,,well,, no doubt a tad of spittle is added, that would make BP back off. This is sarcasm!!!

On a side note, I see where Immunocore ( IMCR ) new to the nasdaq as of three weeks ago,,,and which nailed BTD as did RVX in the past few months,,,,,,however they now only have a market cap of $2.1 biilion after a few days of trading. Odd,,,very odd! Can anyone reflect on a comparison here???? I highly doubt that! ,,,nope,,no other word to describe this situation as pitiable.

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