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Message: Re: Apabetalone treatment reduces SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and completely prevents cardiac damage in a cytokine-storm model

After DM snubbed Fed money due to them wanting animal study because that was going backward, we are now to be exited about an animal study. Yes, it is good results but is only details of what was already told to us as great results. The NR had a sub-head of Program Update, it was just a recap of what had happened up to now  with no update. There was no info. on proposed human trial only re-tell oif what we had already been told.

"Collaborative Support From Alberta Government" - There is no evidence of that here. A political statement of great things happening in Alberta is a far cry from the government working together with RVX or even supplying some cash as that is what collaborative support is. This was just an atta boys! In the webcast when DM told us he turned the Fed money down, he said they would probably have more luck with the Alberta government but that is all that has been said. These hints don't add up to support. When he announces some cash or something solid, that will then qualifay as support. 

I find the NR very empty! 


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