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Message: Re: Reddit.
Mar 03, 2021 01:05PM
Mar 03, 2021 01:49PM
Mar 03, 2021 07:03PM

Seeing some of that new data out of Australia, I thought back to last March/April. Wasn't it you (going by memory) who took the initiative to contact that lab out in San Francisco? If it was you, look at where we are a year or so later. You or someone else here put apabetalone on their radar screen and may have saved someone's bacon in Calgary.

Yeah that was me.  On March 18, 2020 it took me all of five minutes to contact Dr Kevan Shokat.   Someone as busy as he responded the same day saying he would include apabetalone in his study.  

Narmac approached The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  I'll bet no one from the company has.  I'm considering a campaign again to contact key people and promote and educate them on RVX. The CEO won't do it, and IR isn't doing it, so I figure some completely untrained outsider like me with one millionth of Don's stake had best step up for the betterment of shareholders and mankind, and get it done.  

Taking suggestions on who to contact.

Mar 04, 2021 08:09AM
Mar 04, 2021 12:40PM
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