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Message: Strategy


You've got that right. His clock just gets moved forward every year and every trial.

He's had 8 years with my money. I remember the plan to have BOM results and an NDA some time in 2018 as I recall. Here we are 2021 with more promises and more trials ahead and more importantly no and I mean 0, ie., nada revenue. Oh, but wait - he uttered the word revenue in his last presentation - and it looks like we may be late for this party too - what a bunch of crap. He has had enough time at the helm. We would have been there with a properly structured BOM trial but they cut corners and want to do the same again. Move over Mr. McAffrey you are an overpaid underperformer - we need a leader who can get the job done. It's time for a shake out at the top of this company. Get someone in there who can get the job done.

Another frustrated shareholder


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