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Message: Covid opportunity

First of all I couldn't agree more with the sentiment being expressed in a lot of posts regarding RVX management. Their abysmal performance in business management/business development is disgraceful especially when compared to the excessive pay packages for the top executives. Chicagoest said overpaid underperformers, perfect description. 

That being said I really hope that management can muster some get up and go and go hard after this Covid opportunity. Hire a good consultancy if need be (as toinv had suggested) to get them on a best course for efficient execution but get it done. This is no time for the usual RVX sloppy business practices and foot dragging. There may well be some competition but Apabetalone has an excellent safety record for chronic use so that should position it well for use as a shorter course therapeutic if it is in fact effective. The two prong action of Apabetalone regarding CoVid sounds quite promising. Let's find out quickly!!!  

Further I think on a go forward the world is going to need therapeutics for these types of viruses, as bad a CoVid has been it could have been way worse if it had been MERS instead of the current virus that had made the leap to human to human transmission (potential Middle Eastern investors take note!). When the current pandemic is finished I think many governments will be developing more robust pandemic response strategies and I think a stable of best possible therapeutics will be an ever evolving component of those plans. If Apabetalone is in fact one of those therapeutics, and to treat the many people currently in need, management needs to find out now. March 23, 2020 Don said “Resverlogix is prepared for immediate action to help address the global pandemic of COVID-19....".  Don has been yapping about Apabetalone's CoVid potential for almost a year now. His definition of "immediate action" is clearly different than mine, come on time to get it done!

Mar 08, 2021 02:36PM
Mar 08, 2021 04:20PM
Mar 08, 2021 05:56PM
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