In this report, Matthew Hall from the National Center Advancing Translational Science is interviewed. They only posted part of the interview but here he mentions the benefits of "oral small-molecule" drugs as antivirals that are being studied. Wonder if he ever heard of apabetalone or heard from anyone at Reseverlogix. Probably not. Go halfway down on this page to find the video 'Antiviral drugs show promise in fight against Covid-19'.
And yes, I will be contacting Meg Tirrell, and Matthew Hall too. Though I will wait for more substantive apabetalone news before contacting Dr. Fauci.
Note that one of our competitors in the Coivd-19 anitviral field is noted as Pfizer who is to start an antiviral Phase 1 trial soon. Pfizer? Really? They don't see promise in apabetalone after recent findings? Or is it Don forgetting to mention anything about apabetalone to Pfizer for some reason? Like: Hellooooo?? What the 'bleep' is going on, Don?