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Message: Quick Hits

 1.       I was about to give semi kudo’s to RVX for getting the film clip on CTV Calgary until the post by Cottonmouth that it was a poster who pushed to get the publicity. As someone who has in the past had some marketing duties to get articles published in the newspaper, it is shockingly surprising how receptive newspapers can be to articles they find of interest to their readers. How can a possible COVID heart solution made in Calgary not warrant an article in an Alberta Newspaper or a National one for that fact. Why does RVX even have an IR department?

2.       Ignoring Narmac’s old white man comments about Ewelina (whether tongue and cheek or not), how has RVX not leveraged her medical know how and presence? We have all criticized DM trying to act as though he is a researcher himself in the various updates and year end meetings. Would Ewelina not have been the perfect complement to DM to answer the medical issues on these updates and DM could have just spoken to the biz side?

3.       Anyone still wondering why Ori ever converted the debt to shares? Just makes no sense unless something fell through?

4.       Have to agree with Koo re the 2023 warrants, hard to purchase as small supply, but you get 9 or 10 for every RVX share and have two years – now two years may still not be enough but not a bad leverage play if anything ever happens here and for those like me who have had enough of RVX’s stumbling and bumbling, a good way to slowly reduce your shareholdings and still have the lotto dream, albeit, only with a two year timeframe.

5.       Where is the Sheikh money?

6.       Has Don every raised a dollar from a North American source (I guess Dart is a former American)? Is there nobody in NA who believes in RVX?

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