Ori,,,probably sees the sum of the parts here would sell for a couple of bucks,, a Plll under the belt,,,tax loss numbers,,etc ,,so why not convert.
Bottom line however is, and I know its hard to swallow, the managment team directing us ie: the BoDs, has failed miserably in promoting this science and our molecules in a business like fashion! Couple to that, our technical team having failed to understand the MoA of this drug thus the design issues in trials. Both points support the reasoning why our share price is in the dumpster.
The major insiders do the directing,,I see this as having the greatest probability, hence no Saudi $$$ yet,,and there may never be!!!,,,, what I do expect next is the insiders providing DMcC with a 4" diameter ball gag!!!
The aformentioned is again based on company funamentals, its history of multiple failures, and the continuation of a none existant business development plan. A facsimily of which is clearly described within a multi-year share price chart. jmo