Sidebar, I don't think the scientific community has forgotten or negated RVX and Apabetalone in anyway. This is clearly indicated in the recent CoVid collaborations and, as you said, the publication in Cell is clearly BIG. It is still a big step from success in the lab to success in the clinic and it is now up to management to stop yakking about how excited they are and get the trial done. Then we will see if Apabetalone is a viable CoVid therapeutic.
Narmac, as far as the market goes to me it is clearly saying to management "shut up and prove it". For too many years management has been way too long on Don talking about how excited he is and then delivering nothing of substance. The market generally speaking is a forward looking instrument and right now it doesn't believe management is capable of developing or executing on any sort of plan. It is now up to management to deliver something tangible and positive before RVX gets any respect from the market.