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Message: Warning: Long - Thoughts on Management

tada - It is mostly the same with unmet goals,etc. The big difference was back then, it was all out sales and we were told anything to sell the company. I was told numerous times face to face of short-term events that weren't wishes or aims rather actual events that would happen and more definitively than 'soon'. None of them ever happened. Call it snake-oil sales if you wish. We saw what this did to the price as it went to almost $30 and we also saw what happened when trust in management waned. The broker that introduced me to RVX confirmed years later that I wasn't wrong in what I felt had happened. When ASSURE failure was released, he bailed and sold all of his holdings (still has Zenith). He said, "we can't trust a word he says"!

The idea of something happening by the end of last year was a lot less definitive than statements back then but still strong enough that has to be looked at as a failure. This is especially true when remembering that management stated that we had to partner with big Pharma for BoM2 as we couldn't do it alone. Our last update took a totally differnt tact with hinting at doing it without Pharma. That is an admission that they failed to deliver. 

As you can see, their dismal record goes back much further than 10 years, I just threw that number out as it was longer than that rather than looking for an exact year that I knew it started. Now, they don't like to tell us much and I understand why when you can't deliver on what you say. They hold back simple information that they should give us like Promissory Notes that they will only give total amount and not important info. like rates and maturation date. Also, there is the Israel license that we were given nothing on. We gave up a license and received nothing for it like we did from HL. It is important to give us the details to show that we got something for what we gave up. They refused to give details which looks bad.

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