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Message: Warning: Long - Thoughts on Management

The feeling was that the board was tired of this discussion, so I held off replying. Just noticed that Fouremm posted on the subject again, so here's my reply to you. You had posted:

10-41, you mentioned that you know an MBA exec on a NASDAQ listed company that makes less than Don - that's all well and good but we all should appreciate given this stock that a single data point does not represent the whole. There are resources online with a quick google that can show pharma salaries. I have looked and Don's does not seem to be too out of ordinary. Also, I didn't mention that Don's salary is in $CAD. This one is a pretty good resource I found for executive compensation: https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/biotech-pharma-ceo-employee-pay-2019/582851/

This is a good article, and Don's salary is certainly much lower than some of the biotech CEO stars out there! I looked at the lower range of the female CEOs on the one chart - because they didn't list male CEO salaries unless I missed it, and they still were earning more than Don. So yes, given what the article explains as to how biopharma salaries have soared in the last few years, we would certainly have to pay more to get even some of these.

That said, did you bother to look at the bios of some of these ladies? These women are solid producers - look at their medical backgrounds and the positions they've held. Case in point, Helen Turley's position at Halozyme...she earns about $6 million ($US) in total pay, 288 employees according to one source, and revenues of $288 M in 2019.

I looked at some of the other women too...these ladies are doers and good on them! So, if they suddenly decided to leave their CEO positions and seek the same somewhere else, how many would land a similar position with the same pay somewhere else?

If Don, were to leave Resverlogix and seek a similar CEO position at another biotech firm, how much could he reasonably expect to receive? Given his educational background and track record so far, how much could he reasonably expect to get somewhere else?




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