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Message: Re: This late June meeting, warrants about to expire???

The best words I reread in that transcript "this will be done in partnership". 

Tada really??? Wow I find that shocking from you. After the last 18 months of BP partnership next step, we don't have the horse power to go at this alone, but we do errrr I guess I can't talk about that and all the other innuendo talk you are still grasping at the same story DM is telling? Been keeping up with some of the posts and the overwhelming theme is everyone is down on DM, and rightfully so! Having said that the stories some people should question is not DM's but the stories some of you keep telling yourselves. The excuses and justifications I reading is nuts. Much bigger and better companies, technologies, widgets whatever have failed to make it to the market so not sure why so many have got nails dug in deep and hanging on for dear life. Ya sure I get the fact some are in so deep and for so long why not stick it out a bit longer. However many on this board seem to still be wearing those same rose colored glasses. I guess maybe some need to tell themselves the dream is not over dunno. I for one hope for the best but in no way shape or form am I expecting anything substantial from this company other than major dilution.


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