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Message: Give us just one or two NR’s - money, partners & timeframe

First NR regarding COVID, 23 March 2020. There was also one or more articles about the program that UCSF had put together about finding drugs that could be repurposed for COVID in March last year that I could not find. ABL was in the 1st group of 10 drugs tested for repurposing at Mt Sinai Medical Centre in New York last March.

From the call for collaborators on 23 March 2020 they received at least 3. We have heard the results of 2, Australia and University of Nebraska. The Australian report was first published 28 October 2020. It took from October 2020 until March 2021 to get peer reviewed and published in the Cell.

The company has been on this COVID angle like flies on a horse from the get go. That's just how fast getting new drugs up and going takes.

5 months for the peer review had to be a challenge for the company I'm sure of. It has certainly been a challenge for shareholders as is proven on this board.


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