Figure 4 of the Biosciences paper linked in the NR shows what I think is the money shot.
It is a series of images showing Apabetalone's efficacy vs Remdesivir's on Covid-19 infection.
The series of images show Covid-19 infection decreases as dose escalates. The far right images show Apabetalone and Remdesivir has decreased the Covid-19 virus level to what looks like zero.
The same image also shows a toxicity graph and how Apabetalone is significantly less toxic than Remdesivir.
So, if Apabetalone is less toxic, has the same efficacy and is $10/day (let's assume 10 day prescription) or $100 per treatment vs $3200/treatment or shot of Remdesivir... I'm liking Apabetalone's chances in this race.
Now the million $ question is how can I upload this image of Figure 4 into a post so all can see what I'm talking about?