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Message: Where is the trial?

fouremm - You stated this.

"One would have thought they should have been ready to go upon receipt of this letter."

On Feb. 4th, DM stated this. Bolding added by me.

From Feb. 4/21 webcast transcript, Slide 16


“We’re filing almost immediately within the next week or so for this program to commence. Patient enrollment should start as early as March. Maybe it will slip into April, but we will have patients enrolled in this very soon. We only need 100 patients and God knows there are way more than 100 patients available out there right now. We have set up with principal investigators already. This program will predominantly run in the United States."

If the principal investigators are set up and there is no shortage of patients, where is the trial? Also, we have been told on April 12th, the following.

"A total of 100 patients are expected to be enrolled at multiple sites, both in Canada and abroad"

Is this predominantly in the US? Are we now dealing with different principal investigators than were set up on Feb. 4th? What is the actual story?


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