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Message: Wow! Quite the read!

Thanks for your post Mex and welcome to the RVX board on Agoracom.com. I first heard about using ivermectin to battle COVID-19 earlier this year and didn't give it much of a thought after that. The details in the article and your comments will cause me to read further on the subject.

As I've only ever known ivermectin as a horse wormer I can't seem to get the image of worming the horses out of my mind while thinking of using ivermectin personally. Taking that 7 or 8 inch white plastic syringe and sticking in my partners cheek while watching her stomp the ground and trying to pull away while  I'm giving her her dose just made me laugh. Of course I was wondering if one of the side effects would cause me to be hung like a horse which I wondered whether that would be a positive or negative. Opening your trousers and having something like that fall out might scare away a lot of potential partners.

Finding out from reading both the article and your post that there seems to be a similar MOD was interesting. Also from the article finding that the cost of ivermectin here in North America was about the same as a McDonalds hamburger was good to know as well as that is close to where apabetalone will be priced. The biggest differences I see so far has come from both the Australian study and the University of Nebraska study that showed ABL had repairative possibilities in both the heart cells and lung cells of COVID injected mice. We already know from past trials for ABL that it has a positive effect on the heart, kidneys, lungs and potentially the liver and brain.

Using the hamburger comparison, I'm guessing ivermectin would be like having a hamburger versus using apabetalone which would be like having a Quarter Pounder with cheese with a similar difference in cost.

As far as apabetalone goes it is the only new potential COVID therapy that I am aware of that has gone through a P3 cronic use trial and come out with a very good safety profile.

Myself I would be willing to pay for the QP with cheese versus the hamburger given the choice.



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