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Message: Wow! Quite the read!

Thank you city slicker for the excellent example of disinformation on ivermectin.  This is exactly the disinformation I was talking about.  Critical thinking is required to assess any medication you are talking about, whether you are talking about the covid vaccines, apabetalone or ivermectin.  The questions that need to be asked are 1/ is it safe?  2/ is it effective?  Apabetalone has been shown to be a very safe medication.  The Data Safety Monitoring Board after 9 reviews found apabetalone to be safe.  DM in his presentation a couple weeks ago alluded to there having been more research done on apabetalone than all 4 vaccines (pfizer, moderna, j&j, astra zeneca) put together.  When it comes to the question of safety of the 4 vaccines the data is becoming quite concerning after only 4 1/2 months of dosing.  In the UK as of May 12 there has been 1,180 fatalities and 822,845 injuries attributed to the vaccines.  In the EU as of May 22 12,274 fatalities, 1,196,170 injuries and in the USA as of May 7 4,057 fatalities, 229,270 injuries have been reported.  The vaccines' safety profile appears to be coming somewhat akin to Russian roulette.  As stated previously ivermectin is one of the safest medications around, 4,000,000,000 doses dispensed with 16 reported deaths attributed to it over 40 years.  The next question to be answered is it effective.  Apabetalone is in the process of being vetted for its effectiveness for covid 19.  It has already been shown to be effective for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ckd among others.  Are the covid vaccines effective?  The Lancet reports the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) of the astra zenaca to be 1.3%, moderna 1.2%, j&j 0.93% and pfizer 0.84%.  Helpful but not overwhelming.  The next question is whether ivermectin is  effective in treating covid 19 patients.  At the end of this past January Bloomberg news ranked Mexico as the worst country to be in during the coronavirus pandemic.  Bloomberg graded the 53 countries with economies greater than US $200 billion to determine where the virus had been handled most effectively.  11 different indicators were utilized to assess the coronavirus situation in the individual  countries.  Mexico ranked last place 53rd for November, December and January.  At the end of January 13 of Mexico's 32 states were maximum risk red, 17 high risk orange and 2 were medium risk yellow. Beaches were closed at 3 pm, seniors 60 years of age and older were not allowed in any stores. As of 6 days ago 16 states are low risk green, 15 medium risk yellow and 1 high risk orange.  What caused the drastic change in 4 months? The imss started to treat any patient who tested covid positive with ivermectin.  Canada, which back in January ranked 13th on Bloomberg's ranking of countries dealing with covid, has fully bought into the disinformation on ivermectin.  Canada at present is wallowing in shut downs, stay at home orders, business closures,  travel bans, quarantines, etc.  In Mexico the hospitals have been emptied, no quarantines, businesses and restaurants wide open, life is all but back to normal.  The one apparent difference between Mexico's success and Canada's wallowing is Mexico's utilization of ivermectin for treatment of covid patients.

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