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Message: Wow! Quite the read!

jonzobot - This discussion is not about being vaccinated or not. For the record I have had my first jab and awaiting the second. There is lots of science out there and to have knowledgeable individuals debating the pros and cons of different methods to approach problems in a respectfull way is good for everyone.

When you compare jabbed patients versus un-jabbed patients you get one set of data. When you compare jabbed patients versus patients using an alternative methods of prevention or therapy of which apabetalone would be an alternative we hope, you get another set of data. To Toinvest's point no there was never a question whether the EMA's information was right or wrong they simply did a comparison that was different than where the discussion on this board was.

Mex and I were discussing the similarities and differences between ivermectin and apabetabetalone when another person brought vaccinations into the discussion. That in turn brought in the EMA data along with a challenge that got a respectful data filled response, however that response did not change the fact that the conversation originated with a discussion about the differences between ivermectin and apabetalone.

This type of discussion is important to all of the shareholders here as we have the same challenges in changing the fixed attitudes of the establishment on alternative methods of approaching a known problem. There are plenty of drugs out there to deal with cardiovascular problems that have a history of being effective for a particular use. Then is little unknown biotech out of nowhere comes up with an alternative solution to these problems with the development of a drug that works differently than the established methods that have been used for years. In the P3 trial that this alternative drug failed it still showed that this new drug was 18.3% better than the current SOC while at the same time having a dramatically positive effect on reducing HF. Now because HF was not part of a predetermined set of data being looked at upon completion of that trial we failed. As a result of that failure we must go back and redo a P3 trial at a significant cost of both time and money. Tying this all together now, there is a big unmet need for some alternative medications for cardiovascular problems for which there will be lots of deaths and heartache over the time it will take for ABL to prove what we hope it will do. 

In this current pandemic there is a big unmet need for therapies to deal with those that get the virus. To not only reduce the death rate but to deal with the fallout after the patients survive. There are currently available drugs and others like ours being developed to deal with the situation currently at hand. In order to get progress the establishment needs to keep an open mind. Tests and comparisons must be looked at in alternative ways in order find alternative solutions. ABL had that issue years ago when the ASSERT results came out. We only had about a 14% increase in HDL when a pre-established target of something a little higher than that was not met we failed that trial. We showed an increase of long flat HDL particles that were the prepared to scoop up the build up of those particles and remove the from body and as a result have patients live longer with then unknown reduced HF. Instead of looking at the situation with wide open eyes the establishment only looked at the HDL number as a pass or fail and we failed. At that time there was many CEPT types of drugs being developed that increased HDL by much higher numbers than what ABL did and they continued their path to development only to come to a unsuccessful conclusion. In hindsight many people died earlier than what they may have than if looking at the type of HDL had being developed versus the absolute amount of increase.

In our case of looking at ABL or ivermectin as a suitable medication for patients with COVID an open mind should be used as both could save a lot of lives right now. There should be a host of comparisons done without predetermined outcomes in mind so that the fullest attributes of the drugs can be found faster and save those lives that will disappear in such a short period of time. With this in mind the conversation that Mex and I were having comparing ivermectin and ABL is very relevant to this board and should not be moved to the off topic board.


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