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Message: Re: US to shell out $1.2B for sup­plies of Mer­ck­'s po­ten­tial Covid-19 an­tivi­ral.

Buckeyes, sub in a copy of "Biotech for Dummies" for your Japanese language instructions and I think you have it nailed. I'm with you on the sell it now if possible. The management at this company is way too slow and that substandard pace to me increases the chances by many times of RVX being surpassed technically.  Not to mention that I believe skilled managers would have already found a path to run the ph 2 covid trial and if that had panned out Apabetalone would now be helping patients. This thought is based on the relative development pace of other potential therapeutics and given that Apabetalone has already been proven safe.

RVX may have been early in but there are now a number of other companies competing in the epigenetics field whom have far greater financial resources and are not burdened by slow moving, under skilled management.  For management to be twenty years into this and yet never made an asset disposition is pretty pathetic. The fact that they have only taken 2 compounds (if you count Zenith) into trials and have seemingly passed up opportunities for Apabetalone and other talked about compounds is almost unexplainable. I sense that the biggest risk to the company is the management and not the risk of science.

From what I have read and been told over the years, there is a great deal of potential in the science in Resverlogix. It would be nice to see the company sold  just to get it into competent management hands that could set to exploring and just as importantly exploiting all the potential in that science in a more timely manner.

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