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Message: Re: From six months ago
Jun 17, 2021 08:40PM

It would be nice to know if they've started the trial already. The suspense is probably killing a lot of us, as I personally check that US Clinical Trial site a few times a day now.

Two possible scenarios here that went through my mind tonight.

One, they've already started. They have started the trial and will surprise us with a financing. That could explain some of the selling that has been going on for some time now. Then again, maybe that would be too obvious and the TSX would say shame on you. Or, they've started, and want to drop that on us just to get a bit of buzz going for the AGM.

Second thought...this might sound just a bit crazy, but maybe somebody discovered just before the trial was supposed to start that the expiry date on these apabetalone pills was actually in May.

Somebody tell me that couldn't happen here!


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