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Message: Good news for RVX…maybe

Just heard the Tokyo Olymics have band spectators from all events because of the Delta variant. South East Asia is having a heck of time with growing COVID numbers as well. Australia locked down Sidney a week ago which may now be open again. The number of positive tests in the USA is now starting to show signs of increasing after the 4th of July celebrations.

If we ever get this COVID trial started and they are able to show results like they had in the Australian mouse study we could finally shine. 

The best part of this trial starting and showing great results, it could change the outcome of the upcoming Canadian federal election. The possible spin the spin masters could put on this is astronomical. The current government's lack of attention and funding over the past year may have saved hundreds or even thousands of lives. You can just imagine the amount of money that may not have been need to be spent over the last year if apabetalone proves to be as good as we have been led to believe it is.


Jul 09, 2021 12:10PM
Jul 09, 2021 12:30PM
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