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Just to get some perspective I did some Covid19 searches on clinicaltrials.gov  Of the 6159 trials listed; 1286 are Completed, 2818 are Recruiting, 583 are Active, not recruiting and 964 (including Apabetalone) are Not yet recruiting. So we are definitely not alone trying to get a study going.  I very randomly sampled a few of the completed studies and found that most were first posted mid 2020 so obviously the teams behind these studies were very much on the ball with respect to getting their trials initiated.

I agree that it is hard to understand why Apabetalone is not being pushed forward by the powers that be with the quality of preclinical covid work, the other RVX clinical work showing drug on target for targets which are seemingly important related to covid and the fact that the drug is safe. This likely has something to do with the lack of quality biotech business management at RVX and management's general slowness in getting going wrt the covid trial. Hopefully we can make some headway with Eversana's team, when you look at them closely they are much more than just a sales team and have a great deal of depth on the clinical side and are definitely a very well qualified "commercial engine" for hire. It would be very interesting to know how RVX got hooked up with Eversana, on the surface it would seem the Water Street people probably would relate well with Ori. 

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