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Message: Missed Event

Not surprising that something Don said would be inaccurate. Has he been correct about anything in the last 2 years?

I can't find a single thing that he promised or insinuated that has come to be.  If there is anything I am forgetting has then I am sure it was intolerably delayed.

We were told we would get a BOM interim analysis.  We didn't stick to the plan and it cost us the opportunity to tweek the trial enrollment and reach statistical significance for a successful trial.  We would be a multi-billion dollar company today.  But no. Really, really bad decision to go back on this plan.

We were told that Rothschilds was hired to get us onto a US market.  We heard nothing about it since, other than Don saying "I don't think we're missing out on anything there."  That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard a CEO say. I guess that is a form of self-riddicule.  If you aren't missing on anything then why did you pay money to someone to help fullfill this goal in the first place?   Really, really bad decision to go back on this stated goal.  Despite's Don's constant fumbling and uninspiring presentations, American markets wouldn't ignore a FDA BTD and a glowing Cell review.  Our market cap would be multiples higher if he stuck to the plan.

Don McCaffrey, as the Chair of the Board, is bound to review the CEO's performance and make leadership changes where performance is lacking.  IMO, our CEO's track record has been abismal, looking more and more like sobotage than like creating shareholder value.

The share price is swirling down the toilet again, and nothing is being done or said to defend it, again.

Fire yourself Don!  For everyone's sake including your own!!


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