"The end" for you if it means that's when you would sell. But not the end. If this study is successful, there's a Phase III Covid trial to follow. No discussion here on what that would look like, when it would start, how many patients, how long it would take.
no argurment there,science goes on but as a SH im gone. How long for BOM 2 to get going given what dons said about trying to get a large trial going - covid picking up steam , possible new varients to come that the current vaccines may be useless against 2-3 years min? No thanks, im out, this covid trial is the last kick for me.Can always circle back in a couple years.
Bottom line for me is KBC ,i dont trust don & bom 2 is min 4 years away from top line results , like prob 5 0r 6 years & if don sticks it out prob more like 7-8 so its covid trial or bust in hopes of a higher SP & exit.