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Message: WHO reports that 40% to 75% of Nipah cases are fatal compared to COVID-19 fatality rate of around 2%.

WHO reports that 40% to 75% of Nipah cases are fatal compared to COVID-19 fatality rate of around 2%.

posted on Sep 09, 2021 02:26PM

I've been following the mystery illness, and it's been identified as Nipah. It's horrific, and our Nebraska researcher that Don talked about probably knows a lot about this one too. I don't like the 40%-75% chances...you'd think that would put some fire under somebody's rear end so we can get apabetalone tested!!!

So, where are we on the start of our trial? In three days, we officially hit the three month overdue stage, assuming that the anticipated June 12th target date had some validity.



The start of symptoms ranges from 4 to 14 days after exposure and there are currently no vaccines available to treat the virus.

"There's no good treatment for it," Lednicky said. "They put you in the hospital, but there's really nothing much else they can do for you."

WHO reports that 40% to 75% of Nipah cases are fatal compared to COVID-19 fatality rate of around 2%.

Should people in US be worried?

Lednicky said people in the U.S. don't need to worry much about Nipah virus because it has been isolated to Asia regions where fruit bats live.

But there's always a chance someone can bring the virus into a new area.

"The concern really is how people travel," Lednicky said. "Years ago when travel was more restricted, you didn't see unusual pathogens traveling."

Lednicky hopes that U.S. can learn from the COVID-19 pandemic and take on a more proactive approach versus a reactive one.

"There are going to be more emerging pathogens," he said.

"It seems like history repeats itself because we're unprepared."




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