...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: September 24th.

After reading the news story below, these are my thoughts:

This is so weird that you really have to question what is going on in Alberta.

How many of these "big shot" decision makers know about the upcoming (really starting to have my doubts the way this is playing out) COVID-19 trial with apabetalone?

If they don't, is it our role as minority retail shareholders here to phone them in order to put this on their radar screens? Don, if that's what you and your team want, put out an email to the rank and file. We'll support you if your team is constrained and muzzled for whatever reason! There are ways to get this story out!

However, if the decision makers in the Alberta healthcare system know about apabetalone and the potential here, why aren't they pushing for it to start? They have the clout...the big sticks!

Resverlogix, as this stage, doesn't have to go to Ontario, Quebec, Brazil, or anywhere else to get this tested...they're now at Ground Zero!

So, where are the homeboys pulling for their own...Calgary-based, U of C Faculty of Medicine stars, homegrown talent...?

Cityslicker, if you're reading this, are you still sticking to your previous explanation...or are you shaking your head in disbelief as to what is unfolding.

September 24th...unbelievable!




Dr. James Talbot, a former Alberta chief medical officer of health and current co-chair of the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association’s (EZMSA) pandemic committee, said Thursday he expects implementing the triage protocol is “imminent” — either this week or next week — and said the province is moving close to “system failure.”

Talbot said based on what other jurisdictions have seen, that could mean drug shortages, overcrowded emergency departments, and health-care workers being forced to decide which patients get scarce beds.

“If you’re at capacity and an ICU bed becomes available because the person has died, then decisions have to be made for two or three or four or five candidates who need to be in the ICU on a ventilator. Which one of them is going to get it? And the ones who don’t are not likely to survive,” he said, adding those decisions are hard on family, difficult for staff, and there is no appeal process.

There are 350 ICU beds open in Alberta, including 177 additional spaces — more than doubling the normal baseline of 173.

There are currently 310 patients in ICU, of which 226 are COVID-19 positive — the highest number of ICU patients since the pandemic began.

Without the additional surge beds, provincial ICU capacity would be 179 per cent.

However, some parts of the province are under more pressure than others, including in the North Zone and Central Zone, which are operating at or above 100 per cent ICU capacity.

In the Edmonton Zone, there are 150 ICU beds operating at 91 per cent of current capacity.

In the Calgary Zone, there are 123 ICU beds, operating at 80 per cent of current capacity. The South Zone ICU is currently operating at 89 per cent capacity.

The fourth wave of COVID-19 has already impacted health care, with the province announcing last week that it was postponing most surgeries and procedures. Urgent operations are only proceeding if they need to be done within a three-day window in an effort to deploy staff to support intensive care and critical care beds.

Meanwhile, Federal Public Safety Minister Bill Blair tweeted Thursday the Canadian government would provide resources in response to Alberta’s request for help, which could include deploying the Canadian Armed Forces, helping air lift patients, and posting the Canadian Red Cross.




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