...We Welcome You To The Resverlogix HUB withIn The AGORACOM COMMUNITY!

Message: Thanks!

I'd just like to thank the assorted folks here for the ongoing bashing of the CEO and management.  And I'm especially liking this new thinking that it's a conspiracy at the highest government levels! Really good stuff! (though I think it's more likely deep state and international in scope, probably involving the shadowy liberal cabal).  

And Hey, let's not be too concerned about the ongoing TOU violations.  Rules, lol, we all know they're really designed for other board discussions of less important issues.  I totally get that.  

So anyway,  I just wanted to say Thanks! for helping push the stock down over the past few months so I could buy shares below 60¢.  PS.  Keep up the good work! Maybe I can get some below 50¢?

Sep 24, 2021 02:56PM
Sep 24, 2021 03:07PM
Sep 25, 2021 01:43PM
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