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Message: Ethics Approval?

Kayaker already posted part if this quote, but...

June 22, 2021: "We have pending ethics approval reviews at various hospitals in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec. And the first full submission will be later this week."

October 12, 2021: Announcement that ethics approval had been received.

Is it odd that various hospital ethics committees could take 4 months to grant ethics approvals (not sure if these were human investigation committee approvals?) while distracted by a pandemic, even for a drug meant to address that pandemic? Unfortunately, that doesn't seem all that odd to me. And i have written an HIC application.

Not sure whether that was one of the  main hold-ups, but conceivable.

The proof will be in the speed with which they proceed now (or don't). 

He did note on Oct. 14 that there's just a little bit nore to go... whatever that little bit is.  

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