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Message: "Actively Recruiting" ?

Imagine how it goes.  You're sick enough from COVID that you're in the hospital.  There's a possibility that you could die.  You get asked if you want to participate in a study of a new drug.  What's your decision, especially if no other COVID patient has yet received the drug?  If a number of people are treated and it works well, recruitment will no doubt speed up.

Good points.  I can only imagine that the Doctor proposing and delivering apabetalone would be aprised enough about apabetalone's MOA and safety record that he or she would be able to offer good explanations and assurances in layman's terms to prospective participants.   And with the steady stream of patients coming through the doors I can only imagine it wouldn't take long, maybe a week or two before 100 are recruited and begun dosing.

Do others anticipate a longer recruiting period for some reason?

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