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Message: Here is the example of the danger of the COVID trial to RVX...

All of us that have followed RVX and Apabetalone since the PIII trials for Cardiovascular reasons know that Apabetalone has great promise there, just need to get BOM2 going and of course has the Breakthrough Therapy Designation here.

Covid has derailed that process and now RVX is on the rails of Covid trials. Obviously we all hope they are successful but another company I own was in a similar situation. In this case IPIX had an antiviral drug in development and much like Apabetalone some algorithms figured that their drug had high potential to help Covid patients. The FDA even granted Fast Track designation to their drug. So IPIX started a PII trial 9 months ago. Today IPIX announced a failure and IPIX lost 80% of their value even though the original reasons for that drug development still remain!




I hope that RVX share price is not dependent on Covid success or not but I fear near term it is and that it might take a lot longer to get trial results (9 mo to a year) than we all hope.

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