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Message: Re: Not good for the potential of apabetalone as a Covid-19 therapy

The only mouse model work in that paper that uses BETi uses INCB054329, not apabetalone.

Hi Bear,

Please correct me if I am wrong here but even so this does seem like there might be a little light in the darkness (over ar the Frankenstein place)...

Because even with INCB054329 they were evaluating the potential of BET inhibition as a therapeutic in vivo, and they did find a decreased mortality rate, in direct contrast to the recent study's findings.

Is this not so? Isn't INCB054329 also a BET inhibitor? 

So neither study used apabetalone per se, but both used BETi in vivo.

One found increased mortality with decreased viral fighting capacity in the lung.

The other found increased survival with improved cardiac results.

Am I off here?


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