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Message: Response from Sarah -were still a go

Back to reality!

This has been a horrendous year so far for anyone who still wanted to possibly see some cash back from their long term investment here in Resverlogix! Or, at least a rising SP!

So, just to remind everyone, have a look back at what Don said back in June and May. Back then, we were filled with a bit - or lots - of anticipation, like some little six year old days before Christmas!

He actually talked about RVX seeing some big cash payments at one point. Pre-sales!

One of those quotes actually has Don hinting at something. Hmmm.

Yup, looked through them again, and decided on these to whet your appetite for the reads:

From the June 22, 2021 AGM. In three weeks, it'll be six SUPER LONG months ago.

On Slide Eight, I’d like to give you an update of where we are on the clinical trial launch. I think this is what a lot of people are most interested in right now. Remember, like I said, we’ve only had approval for this program for two months. Clinical trials listed the trial start as June 12th. But internally, a trial starts once you start spending money. And that was in April, sixty days ago. So rapid response has been made in these two short months. We’ve signed a very experienced CRO to handle this trial for us. They already experience with twenty COVID trials under their belt. So they bring a lot of knowledge and expertise to the table with us. We’ve designed a proper and affordable program. We’ve revised it a little bit, cutting back some expenses on what are now deemed out there as unnecessary lab work and probably saved an extra half a million dollars doing that. So it slows you down maybe a week or two here and there, but our job is to get it right. And get it as affordable program as possible. We’ve also arranged a back-up plan in Brazil. As we all know, we’re all experts on COVID now, whether we like it or not. We all know that these bubbles shift and change around a lot. So if you’re just working in Canada and you run through a slow-down it could be six months before you have a proper patient base. I believe our results will encourage a lot of people to want to be in this trial, so... We can’t guarantee time frames; we can’t tell you when things are going to happen in advance because they are not in our control. We certainly can tell you when they happen, and that’s what we will be doing. But we do have Brazil all set up now as a backup. Well, it’s not just a backup, it will be going in parallel so as the waves of patients shift around, we feel we’re well covered.

We’ve also in this short period of time confirmed principal investigators. We have pending ethics approval reviews at various hospitals in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec. And the first full submission will be later this week. We were able to re-label the drug and transfer it from Europe, moving it around. So there’s a lot of activity that was taking place behind the scenes. You don’t just say hey we’re in a trial let’s dose somebody tomorrow. It doesn’t work that way.



And from the PBA May 12, 2021 interview. Here was the cryptic message:

Sophy: We’ll ensure that our participants today keep a look out and we’ll be sharing your news with them as well. We look very forward to seeing the developments that you’re going to be going through over the next few weeks or months.


Don: I’d like to tell them once more go rattle your politician’s chain a little bit. Those guys have their hands full and I wouldn’t want their jobs right now. But whether it’s Kenney or Legault or Ford any of them I wouldn’t want it. But keep reminding them. The more they hear it the better. The faster things will move.


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