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Message: We need to outsmart them.

With this kind of new leverage, doors open wide for BP...or in our case as a minor player, get slowly opened an inch at a time in slow motion.

$2.2 billion package of subsidies, and we're on our knees begging for how much?

And we're meeting with junior MPs, while the big boys and girls waltz through the doors of the Ministry?

Tells you what our guys are up against!

The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) was a frequent entry point to the Trudeau government for the vaccine profiteers. Within Trudeau’s cabinet, Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne has “made it a mission to rebuild bridges with Big Pharma,” according to the Globe and Mail’s Konrad Yakabuski. Tasked with piloting a $2.2 billion package of subsidies for the pharmaceutical industry, ISED was in frequent contact with the industry’s representatives, lobbying records show. Minister Champagne has met with Innovative Medicines Canada, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson lobbyists on nine separate occasions since October 2020 while high-ranking members of his Ministry have met with Big Pharma representatives fifteen times.



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