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Message: Update on the Edmonton hospitals.

No shortage of outbreaks, so hopefully they transfer in some brave patients to Dr. Wendy's ward.

Find it very hard to believe that the folks in Edmonton and the northern part of Alberta who are so tough when it comes to harsh winters are all such big chickens re apabetalone that nobody wanted to gulp down the first pill by now!

Don, you gone rogue on us? The script was that you would report the first dosing!



Two units are on outbreak status at the University of Alberta Hospital.

An outbreak was declared on Dec. 28 after one patient tested positive for the disease.

On Jan. 1, a different unit declared an outbreak after one staff member and one patient had confirmed cases of COVID-19. 



5 Edmonton hospitals affected by COVID-19 outbreaks


Most major hospitals in the Edmonton zone have at least one COVID-19 outbreak, with the largest affecting 22 patients and 11 staff members, according to data from Alberta Health Services.

As of Thursday, the University of Alberta, Royal Alexandra, Misericordia, Grey Nuns, and Alberta hospitals all have at least one unit affected by a COVID-19 outbreak.

"Outbreak control measures have been implemented on each of the affected units," AHS said in a statement. "Any patient with symptoms, or who has tested positive for COVID-19, is isolated and treated in designated rooms.

"All AHS facilities follow rigorous Infection Prevention and Control standards and practices," the public health authority added, saying workers self-assess for symptoms before reporting for a shift.


According to AHS, there are four units on outbreak status at the Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.

The first outbreak was declared on Dec. 30. Two patients and two health-care workers have since tested positive for COVID-19.

Another outbreak occurred on Dec. 31, affecting one patient and four staff members.

On Jan. 1, a separate outbreak was declared with 22 patients testing positive for COVID-19 and 11 workers.

A different unit at the facility declared an outbreak on Jan. 3, with four patients and six staff members testing positive for COVID-19.

AHS did not name which units were affected.


One unit is on outbreak status after four individuals tested positive for COVID-19 following an outbreak on Jan. 4.


As of Thursday, two outbreaks have been declared at the Misericordia in west Edmonton.

Four individuals at the Institue for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine tested positive for COVID-19 after an outbreak was declared on Dec. 20.

On Monday, an acute care unit declared an outbreak, with six individuals testing positive for the virus.


Three units remain on outbreak status at the Royal Alexandra.

Back in November, two patients tested positive for COVID-19 in addition to one worker.

Another outbreak was declared at a different acute care unit that was announced on New Year's Eve that is affecting one patient and one health-care staff member.

On Jan. 3, another unit moved to outbreak status after seven staff members tested positive for COVID-19.


Two units are on outbreak status at the University of Alberta Hospital.

An outbreak was declared on Dec. 28 after one patient tested positive for the disease.

On Jan. 1, a different unit declared an outbreak after one staff member and one patient had confirmed cases of COVID-19. 

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