Round one!
Best guess with current increase in share price run up -- caused by covering shorts Look for small drop, hope not, volume will drive price. Better to look at volume than SP. Volume is our future.
Again, best guess, price will not increase from this level until next PR, either with more dosing of patients or early release of patient. Will depend on RVX news. Two weeks wait for next PR, maybe and hoping.
What really matters, all those "cured" C19's. If Cell and Australian study is correct and world believes, RVX hits the roof. Oral pill saves the day. Will that ever happen, big question. We know it should, the science has proven the effectiveness of ABL. What is the share price with 200MM patients taking ABL twice a day? For even six months to one year or longer. There is your new P3 study and paid by patients. Even better.
Look for a great price in June, and yes, this year. Any price above $5 US will get us to the NASDAQ. More doors open. Then look out! sidebar