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Message: CBC Radio News Interview with Dr. Sweeney

sumpup, there was a segment on CBC's Quirks and Quarks on Feb 5th on long Covid patients which echoed your experiences. I was driving so I couldn't take notes. 

The person interviewed was a neurologist. The key take away for me is that with Covid many questions remain unanswered at this stage. There seems to be a group of perhaps 5% or possibly much larger of Covid patients that suffer long term consequences such as brain fog, etc. The doctor said at this stage little is known about neurological brain injury.

So hopefully apabetalone will be successful in addressing these long term issues. The Nature Cell Biology paper that discussed ABBV-744 (a BETi) seemed to say that targetting BRD2, which is needed for ACE2 transcripition, shows promise and I believe apabetalone is selective for BRD2.

So I'm hoping we'll see positive results soon.

There are so many positive stories to be told about BETi, epigenetics and apabetalone. I hope that Eversana will be very aggressive in PR communications. Eversana has a huge vested interest in getting apabetalone Covid trials completed because they don't make a penny until sales start.



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