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Message: Not out of the woods yet with COVID-19

Yeah seems like our timing is weird again, finally getting our P2 trial going during one of the least worrisome Covid variants with Omicron (for some but not all).

I'm no epidemiology wizard and have no idea how likely or unlikely that more variants of a different or worse nature are likely to come. However this virus has shown a great ability to adapt and morph, and hearing how even the Omicron has adpated to evade current vaccines. So what's next from this family of viruses??

I would never wish for a new worse Covid variant for financial gain, just would have loved to have seen how apabetalone could have addressed Delta and the original awful variant that shut the world down, etc.

The ability to shut down this virus including downstream long haul effects, and presumably future variants could still be a game changer though for confidence in getting back to normal life and have Covid simply become the "flu" in status ... especially considering the not so healthy populations with chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiopathy, renal issues, PAH, dimentia, etc. And also the long haul effects for all of these populations including the otherwise healthy, in comparison to non-users of apabetalone. It would be very nice to see the healthy remain healthy post-covid, and perhaps even some secondary benefits to some of the un-healthy populations.

The best of course right now, would be to acieve even higher levels of safety data man years, and see and study clear differences even with a milder variant of the results among Covid sufferes. The MOA and effects are simply the MOA and effects, which can be extrapolated to future variants which "could" possibly be worse than any of the variants we have seen. A new counter weapon against an entire class of virus and ALL future variants, minor and major, especially for the sick and elderly, and long haul benefits for all populations potentially. 

Also, a potential table setter along with BoM for BoM2.

We just really need to get a name and to market for "something" as well. Being on the market as "safe and effective" already, could really help with abbreviating BoM2 given BoM data, BTD, a better stacked deck for BoM2, and hopefully overwhelming results and data with BoM2 if we can duplicate the good data from BoM.

Jmho's (or wishful thinking?) of course.

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