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Message: EVERSANA: Over 5,000 team members globally now.

The $$$ is there on the EVERSANA side, so we will see how this plays out during the next few months.


Firsthand Findings

The wider EVERSANA organization has been on something of an acquisition tear of late, closing a number of deals in 2021—with the largest being the close-to-$1 billion purchase of Intouch Group, a global agency network serving the pharmaceutical industry. Which we offer here as a counterpoint to any “limited brand recognition” concerns that a potential consultant might have: how many other consulting shops are part of organizations with that kind of financial clout? If EVERSANA isn’t already a name on the lips of everyone in the pharma sector, it soon will be—meaning a stint at its management consulting arm should do nothing but burnish a resume for anyone hoping for an industry-side exit opportunity.

On the day-to-day, meanwhile, the firm’s reach and deep industry expertise is a huge resource for consultants to leverage. With a strong, development-oriented culture and good compensation packages, this is a firm that may be worth a second look for those with the appropriate skills, knowledge and interest.




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