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Message: Re: New treatment for COVID-19 discovered in human skin cells.

Yeah I wonder what the tax loss value is these days, wasn't it around 1/2 billion a few years ago? That by itself would be worth around $2 pps ish. Hard for me to fathom how RVX couldn't even possibly be worth less than $5-6 pps at minmum all things considered including IP, patents, R&D, library of molecules, past studies, "BTD", market potential, and tax loss credit?

Maybe the best future BP opportunity is with a company not currently with sales in the areas we benefit, due to cannibalization concerns with the others that are first to mind ... or leveraging those BP's with interest from others that could threaten those current sales altogether? I had been thinking that longer term revenue protection (by adding epigenetics to their portfolio) for BP's in our areas of indication would be the ticket, but who knows.

For a company with a very promising drug (apabetalone) for many potential indications and revenues and patent protection, that is also so continually financially hamstrung, getting "out" for $1-2b would seem easily achieved if it ever truly approached insolvency and a fire sale.

Even at a $1b fire sale or roughly $4 pps, that is still approaching an 80-100% ROI for most of the bigger investors, right(?), if investor fatigue ever truly set in with them? I'm sure they ultimately feel they can get their investment capital back with a "pull the plug" fire sale, if it came to that reality.

But it seems like the BoD (and big "insider" investors) must truly believe there is a much bigger jackpot likely coming at some point, I suppose. Otherwise, why let your capital sit and rot, and lose ground to inflation? There is an opportunity cost of those dollars that are tied up with RVX as well.

I hope they know what they are doing and are correct with their capital and investment choice in RVX!

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